Data-Driven, AI and
Personalized Application

과학기술정통부 지원 유전자동의보감사업(2012-2022년) 수행으로 천연물 성분-기능성의 상관관계를 수록한 인공지능 빅데이터를 기반으로 개인의 건강에 맞는 최적화된 제품을 추천하는 기술인 인체 생리 표현형 네트워크 (Human Physiological Phenotypic Map)를 구축하였습니다.

이렇게 구축된 인체 생리 표현형 네트워크는 나의 검진정보, 식생활을 포함한 생활습관 등을 통해 확인된 건강 위험과 식품과 천연물의 작용기전을 고려하여 나에게 최적화된 제품을 추천하는 기술로 활용되고 있습니다.

빅데이터 기반 맞춤영전략수립

유전자동의보감사업을 통해 빅데이터 스토리지인 COSMOS (Collaborative data Storage for Multi-cOmponent multi-target Statistical analysis)를 구축하고 인공지능 머신러닝 기반 정밀영양연구전략을 수립하였습니다.

로그미는 실제 연구를 통하여 발생한 17억건 이상의 헬스 데이터를 통합하여 표준화 하였습니다. 이 데이터들을 감지(SENSE)하면 인공지능 머신러닝 기술과 연계하여 근거를 마련(REASON)합니다. 이를 통해 각 개인은 수치화된 현재의 건강 상태를 알 수 있으며, 식생활, 영양, 수면, 운동 등 개인의 생활패턴을 성형해주는 라이프코칭 솔루션(ACT)을 제공받을 수 있습니다.

로그미는 이러한 코호트/인체중재시험 빅데이터 스토리지 및
인공지능 가상인체 모델을 기반으로 Personalized Precision Nutrition 분야를 선도하고 있습니다.

LOGME Service Cycle

빅데이터 및 인공지능 기반 알고리즘을 기반으로 로그미만의 서비스를 제공합니다


registered patents


Filed patents


Published papers


reviewed publications


  • Nutrition and Exercise: Cornerstones of Health with Emphasis on Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Management-A Narrative Review.
    Obesity Reviews, 2024
  • Diverse and synergistic actions of phytochemicals in a plant-based multivitamin/mineral supplement against oxidative stress and inflammation in healthy individuals: a systems biology approach based on a randomized clinical trial.
    Antioxidants, 2024
  • Bioavailability of Korean mint polyphenols in humans and a Caco-2 cell model: a preliminary study exploring the efficacy.
    Food & Function, 2023
  • Short-term treatment of Agastache rugosa extract combined with voluntary wheel running exercise alters the size and type of skeletal muscle fibers and improves anabolic resistance in middle-aged mice.
    Journal of Functional Foods, 2023
  • Gene-diet interaction analysis using novel weighted food scores discovers the adipocytokine signaling pathway associated with the development of type 2 diabetes.
    Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2023
  • Blood microbiota profile is associated with the responsiveness of postprandial lipemia to Platycodi radix beverage: a randomized controlled trial in healthy subjects.
    Nutrients, 2023
  • Eight-week supplementation of Aronia berry extract promoted the glutathione defense system against acute aerobic exercise-induced oxidative load immediately and 30 minutes post-exercise in healthy adults: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial.
    Journal of human nutrition and dietetics, 2023
  • Study protocol for cholera vaccination as a model to measure the inflammatory response in the gut: A case of modulation with a Lactobacillus plantarum K8 lysate.
    PLOS One, 2023
  • Effect of Ecklonia cava polyphenol on adiposity reduction is associated with gut microbiota composition in subjects with abdominal obesity: A secondary analysis.
    Journal of Functional Foods, 2022
  • Statistical modeling of health space based on metabolic stress and oxidative stress scores.
    BMC Public Health, 2022
  • Association of plasma carotenoid and malondialdehyde levels with physical performance in Korean adolescents.
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
  • Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials evaluating effectiveness of a multivitamin supplementation against oxidative stress in healthy subjects.
    Nutrients, 2022
  • Yellow yeast rice prepared using Aspergillus terreus DSMK01 lowers cholesterol levels by stimulating bile salt export pump in subjects with mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia.
    Molecular Nutrition Food Research, 2021
  • Association of maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy with small-for-gestational-age infants: Korean Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) study.
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2021
  • Associations of diet quality and sleep quality with obesity.
    Nutrients, 2021
  • A Machine Learning Algorithm for Quantitatively Diagnosing Oxidative Stress Risks in Healthy Adult Individuals Based on Health Space Methodology: A Proof-of-Concept Study Using Korean Cross-Sectional Cohort Data.
    Antioxidants, 2021
  • Spore-forming Bacillus coagulans SNZ 1969 improved intestinal motility and constipation perception mediated by microbial alterations in healthy adults with mild intermittent constipation: a randomized controlled trial.
    Food Research International, 2021
  • Metabolic Profiling Analysis Reveals the Potential Contribution of Barley Sprouts Against Oxidative Stress and Related Liver Cell Damage in Habitual Alcohol Drinkers.
    Antioxidants, 2021
  • A modified recommended food score is inversely associated with high blood pressure in Korean adults.
    Nutrients, 2020
  • Association between diet quality and cardiorespiratory fitness in Korean adults: the 2014-2015 national fitness award project.
    Nutrients, 2020
  • Efficacy and safety of Kudzu flower-mandarin peel on hot flashes and bone markers in women during the menopausal transition: a randomized controlled trial.
    Nutrients, 2020
  • SOD1 suppresses pro-inflammatory immune responses by protecting against oxidative stress in colitis.
    Redox Biology, 2020
  • Metabolic tracking of isoflavones in soybean products and biosamples from healthy adults after fermented soybean consumption.
    Food Chem, 2020
  • Association of carotenoids concentration in blood with physical performance in Korean adolescents: the 2018 National Fitness Award Project.
    Nutrients, 2020
  • Serine protease in a bred variety of oriental melon (Cucumis melo L. var. makuwa) curtails vascular thrombosis by balancing hemostasis and fibrinolysis in a rodent model.
    Journal of Functional Foods, 2020


  • 개체의 심폐 체력을 예측하는 장치 및 방법, 10-2025-0012161, 권오란, 김혜진, 강승희, 허은비
  • 개체의 근육 건강을 평가하는 방법 및 장치, 10-2024-0160209, 권오란, 김혜진, 강승희, 허은비
  • 사용자 건강 상태와 생활 습관에 기반한 건강 상태 판정 및 맞춤형 건강기능 식품 추천, 10-2024-0154116, 권오란, 강승희
  • 균형적인 음식 섭취를 위한 음식 영양 판정 시스템 및 방법, 10-2024-0087460, 권오란, 김혜진, 강승희, 임철, 허은비, 맹소영
  • 개인 맞춤형 운동 계획 서비스 제공 시스템 및 방법 10-2024-0076049, 권오란, 김혜진, 강승희, 임철
  • 건강나이를 예측하는 장치 및 방법, 출원번호 10-2022-0090019, 권오란, 김혜숙, 김유진
  • 신체적 스트레스 상태를 평가하는 방법, 출원번호 10-2020-0071809, 권오란, 김유진, 김연수
  • 산화적 스트레스 수준을 측정하는 방법, 출원번호 10-2018-0167831, 김유진, 권오란, 김지연, 임예니